Yes! It is something one half of the population has long suspected - and the other half always vocally denied. Women really do talk more than men.
In fact, women talk almost three times as much as men, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words in a day - 13,000 more than the average man.
Women also speak more quickly, devote more brainpower to chit-chat - and actually get a buzz out of hearing their own voices, a new book suggests.
The book - written by a female psychiatrist - says that inherent differences between the male and female brain explain why women are naturally more talkative than men.
Studies at Harvard show that girls learn to talk earlier than boys, and articulate better. From their earliest years, girls talk more than boys. Even as adults, men never seem to catch up. It is estimated that the average male speaks about 12, 500 words per day while the average woman doubles that with more than 25,000! This could explain why men don't want to talk much after getting home at night. They have already expended 12,500-word limit. Their wives may have expended 12,500 also, but they have saved as many for their husbands.
Read more:
: Health and Home (Nancy Van Pelt-TALKING STYLES)
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