Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Monday, March 14, 2011


When a person's major focus in on one behavior only, he may be suffering from a behavioral addiction. This addiction includes, among other things, gambling, shopping, watching pornography, work, and using computer and the Internet.

Let's talk about computers and the Internet. They are a necessity for today's generation. Computers and the Internet are needed in the workplace, in school, and at home. But the Internet has it's own downside too. When you become so attached to the computer that you start to live in an artificial world, your physical, emotional and spiritual health is in danger.

Knowing the early signs of computer and Internet addiction in a spouse, a brother or a sister, a friend, a colleague, or even yourself is of extreme importance.

But HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE TOO MUCH OF COMPUTER OR THE INTERNET? If you answer YES to at least 7 of the questions below, it is enough for you to be diagnosed as having a pathological Internet addiction.
  1. Do I lose interest in the other activities I used to engage in?
  2. Would I rather miss my regular meals than miss the Internet?
  3. Am I craving for more time online and feel restless when not engaged?
  4. Do I feel irritable and aggressive when interrupted or when the connection is low?
  5. Do I stay in the computer longer than intended?
  6. Am I neglecting family and friends and/or responsibilities in order to be online?
  7. Is my Internet use interfering with my job or school activities?
  8. Do I use the Internet as an outlet when lonely, upset or sad?
  9. Do I lie about the amount of time I spend on the Internet and what I am browsing?
  10. Am I sleeping late because of Internet browsing?

So, how do you avoid computer and Internet addiction? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Parents should be role models for their children.
  2. Put the computer in a common place in the house like the living room so that parents can easily keep an eye on their children's use, thus helping them to avoid visiting undesirable websites.
  3. Have family meals at the table at regular times.
  4. Get involved in sports. Develop a healthy relationship with your team.
  5. Go to bed on time to get a good night's rest.
  6. Develop a strong network of friends. This provides mental and emotional support.
  7. Plan for family activities.
  8. Limit computer use. List the things you need in the web, set an alarm clock to be sure you get off when it sounds. Stick to your set time.
  9. Be aware of the warning signs of addiction.
  10. Seek professional help.
  11. Most of all, submit yourself to God. Ask Him to help you detach yourself from the excitement of computer and the Internet.
Computer and the Internet are no doubt necessities. But they can also ruin lives and relationships if not handled responsibly.

Thanks to : HEALTH&HOME (Jul-Aug 2010)
Evelyn Villaflor-Almocera


The decision to smoke is almost always made during the teen years when teen believe nothing bad could ever happen to them. Many keep using tobacco products throughout adulthood, not always because they want to, but because they are addicted to a product that is powerfully habit-forming. Whether they start because they are addicted to a product that is powerfully habit-forming. Whether they start because of peer pressure, to rebel against their parents, or because they think it's cool -- millions of teens get hooked on a habit that will kill hundreds of thousands of them a year when they're adults.

Since the first Surgeon General's report on health and smoking in 1964, an endless amount of research has shown how smoking hurts your health. Tobacco is currently known to cause heart disease, chronic lung disease, and stroke, not to mention cancer of the lungs, esophagus, larynx, mouth and bladder. Tobacco is filled with dozens and dozens of chemicals that are deadly all by themselves. So, when packed together with each puff of smoke, it's no wonder they kill people.

If you use tobacco, there are compelling reasons for you to quit. The rewards of quitting are tremendous, and they begin immediately. You’ll experience the benefits of not using tobacco within 20 minutes of quitting, and as your tobacco-free days accumulate, the benefits will accumulate, too. Quitting tobacco will improve your health, your finances, your self-esteem and your everyday life – immediately and over the long term – in ways you may never have imagined.

What Happens When You Quit

  • Immediately after quitting smoking, heart rate and blood pressure, which is abnormally high while smoking, begin to return to normal.
  • Within a few hours, the level of carbon monoxide, which reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen, begins to decline.
  • Within a few weeks, circulation improves, you don’t produce as much phlegm, and you don’t cough or wheeze as often.
  • The workload on the heart is decreased and cardiac function is improved.
  • Food tastes better, and your sense of smell returns to normal.
  • Everyday activities no longer leave you out of breath.
  • Within several months of quitting, you experience significant improvements in lung function.
  • In one year, your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke is halved.
  • In five years, many kinds of cancer, including lung, larynx, mouth, stomach, cervix, bladder, show decline in risk, and that decline approaches the risk of someone who has never smoked.
  • Within 10 to 15 years, risk of lung disease, including bronchitis and emphysema, are decreased.
  • Conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, thyroid conditions, hearing loss, dementia, and osteoporosis are positively affected.
  • Nerve endings in the mouth and nose begin to regenerate, improving taste and smell.
  • Medications may work better, enabling some to be taken in decreased doses.
  • If you’re taking birth control pills, quitting smoking will decrease your chance of heart attack and stroke due to clotting.
  • You’ll have decreased risk for impotence and infertility.
  • If you’re pregnant, you’ll protect your unborn child from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and low birth weight.
  • Years will be added to your life: people who quit smoking, regardless of their age, are less likely than those who continue to smoke to die from smoking-related illness.

When you quit smoking:

  • your breath will smell better
  • stained teeth will get whiter
  • your clothes and hair will smell better
  • your fingers and fingernails will no longer look yellow
  • you’ll have better oral health
  • you’ll have a better chance for fewer skin wrinkles

If you're a tobacco user, it's never too late for a change! YOU can and YOU must start it within your inmost self. It just take a little time and a lot of suffering, that's all.

Thanks to:

* Zachary Goldstein (author of LiSTEN magazine)

Why TEENS Love Text Messaging

It's no secret that today's teenagers are prolific texters, but did you ever stop to think about just how many text messages they're actually sending? A lot. A whole lot, actually, according to a new study.

Half of teens send 50 or more text messages a day, according to a new study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, which found that teens are texting much more frequently now than they were in the past.

"Text messaging has become the primary way that teens reach their friends, surpassing face-to-face contact, email, instant messaging and voice calling as the go-to daily communication tool for this age group. However, voice calling is still the preferred mode for reaching parents for most teens," Pew says.

Teenagers have embraced text messaging as their main form of communication, but mobile phones are often a source of tension with parents and schools, a new survey found.

The frequency with which teens text has overtaken every other form of interaction, including instant messaging and talking face-to-face, according to a study scheduled for released Tuesday by researchers at Pew Research Center and the University of Michigan.

Three-quarters of teens now own cell phones, up from 45 percent in 2004. Of those who own cell phones, 88 percent text, up from just over half in 2006.

At the same time, cell phones and teens' attachment to them are a source of conflict with parents and schools. Many parents limit use and 48 percent said they use it to monitor their kids' whereabouts - either by using GPS technology or calling the child to check in. Not surprisingly, the parents of girls aged 12 and 13 were more likely to say they monitor cell phone use.

The limits did seem to have tangible benefits. Teens were less likely to report regretting a text they sent, or having sent sexual content by , if their parents placed limits on text messaging. They were also less likely to us their cell phones dangerously while driving.

Schools, the survey found, often ban cell phones from classrooms, and some from school grounds entirely, seeing them as a "disruptive force." Still, more than half of teens who own mobile phones said they have sent a text message during class, even though their school bans mobile phones.

Despite all the media attention to "sexting," only 4 percent of teens said they have sent sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude images of themselves to someone else via a . Teens who pay their own cell phone bills were more likely to send "sexts" than those whose parents pay for all or part of their bill.

The survey of 800 aged 12 to 17 and their parents was conducted on landlines and cell phones from June to September 2009. It was conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project and the University of Michigan's Department of Communication Studies.

Among other findings in the study:

  • Parents of 12- and 13-year-old girls are more likely to report the "most monitoring behavior," and "limiting a child's text messaging does relate to lower levels of various texting behaviors among teens," Pew said. "These teens are less likely to report regretting a text they sent, or to report sending sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude images by text," also known as "sexting."
  • 54 percent of text-message using teens "have received spam or other unwanted texts," and 26 percent say they have been "bullied or harassed through text messages and phone calls."
  • 24 percent of teens attend schools that ban cell phones from school grounds, but 65 percent of teens with cell phones still bring them to school, and 58 percent say they have sent a text message during class.
  • 43 percent of all teens who take their phones to school say they "text in class at least once a day or more."
  • 48 percent of parents use their child's phone to monitor their location.
  • 69 percent of cell-owning teens "say their phone helps them entertain themselves when they are bored."
  • 83 percent use their phones to take photos; 64 percent share photos with others using their phones; 60 percent play music, 46 percent play games and 32 percent exchange videos with their mobiles.
  • 27 percent go online using their phones, 23 percent access social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace on their mobiles; 21 percent use e-mail and 11 percent makes purchases using their cells.

The study is based on a parent-teen cell phone survey of 800 teens age 12-to-17 years-old and their parents and on nine focus groups conducted in four U.S. cities in June and October 2009 with teens between the ages of 12 and 18.

The survey was conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International.


What every TEEN should know about RAPE

You've heard the term echoed through crowded gym locker rooms, on MTV, and in the news. But it's what you don't know about rape that could save you from becoming a victim. According to the U.S. Justice Department, sexual assault occurs every two and a half minutes in the United States. It could happen anywhere - at a party, walking home from school, or at the mall. It could happen any time - day or night. It could happen to anyone - male or female.

And yes... it could possibly happen to YOU.

However, the good news is that there are things you can do to help prevent your becoming a rape victim.

Communicate Directly. Make sure that you are assertive and mean what you say. "No" means "no." Your date should understand that it's not an invitation to persuade you to have sex.

Stay Sober. The use of alcohol and drugs dramatically increases your chances of becoming a rape victim. It impairs your ability to take action and to think clearly - and for some, it may bring out sexually aggressive behavior. A large percentage of rapes occur because victims and perpetrators are intoxicated.

Stay in a Group. Avoid being alone with someone you don't know very well.

Develop a Safety Plan. Keep money with you in case of emergency for phone calls or cab fare. Have the names of two people to call to pick you up in case you decide to leave your date early. Tell other people who you are going out with and where you will be.

Help Your Friends. If you see your friend getting into a dangerous situation, let them know. "You could be saving your friend from becoming a victim of sexual assault - or from committing one," says Berkowitz.

Trust Your Intuition. If something feels wrong - it usually is. Don't brush your feelings aside because you feel they aren't important.

Believe in Yourself. Have the strength to walk away from any situation you find uncomfortable.

While these suggestions may decrease your risk of attack, it is important to remember that not all rapes can be prevented. "No matter how cautious you are, avoiding danger requires some luck, too," says Berkowitz. "There are many cases.... when there's absolutely nothing that could have been done."

The reality is that rape is a horrific crime that often leaves its victims feeling powerless and alone. Healing from such trauma takes time, so be sure to give yourself the space need to recover. And above all, remember that you have the power to take back your life and the courage to change it. Just leave it all to God and He'll find millions of ways to help you overcome those events that keep haunting you.

Thanks to: Elizabeth Donovan (Psychotherapist specializing in Sexual Assault Trauma)

Listen to the cry of the UNBORN

STORY of a girl who aborted:

"I was 15 years old when I got pregnant. The boy that I was pregnant by said it was not his baby, but Iknow it was his baby because he was the only boy I slept with in five months. I was only two months big and that I was throwing up a lot, and she then told me to get an abortion…no questions asked. It was like what I had to say did not matter because I had no say in the matter".

"I really regret having an abortion because I wanted my baby. It would have been hard because I am so young, but I would do anything I could to take care of my baby. It hurts me that I killed my first child. I love kids and it will never happen again. I hate to see baby things and pregnant people because it brings back memories of April 14, 2007; and I will never forget it".

To my baby: "I love you and I am very sorry you did not get to live your life because your momma did a terrible thing".

Teen abortion is a decision that will impact your life dramatically, whether you decide to abort or decide to give birth. People you know will choose to support your decision or condemn your decision, but this is your decision and you will live with the choice you make for the rest of your life. Once an abortion has been done it can't be undone. The infant is dead. So take the time to think and know what you are doing to your body and to the life inside your body. If you decide to carry the child and bring a child into this world you will endure some criticism, inconvenience and the greatest joy God has given us here on earth.

Teen abortion has many risks. Studies have proven that abortion may lead to an increased chance of breast cancer, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, depression, and the contraction of Viral Hepatitis, not to mention death due to excessive bleeding or other complications. Whether you choose to keep your baby, put it up for adoption or have an abortion, hormones run crazy when you are pregnant. Hormones are to blame for the drastic mood swings pregnant women have during pregnancy. As you feel the life inside you start to grow, you will become attached to, or perhaps even angry at, this new life. This life is exactly that - he or she is alive and it is a part of you!

Teen abortion kills an innocent life. You exist because your mother chose to give birth to you. Will you do the same for your child? Is an unborn child alive? Microbiology says so! Logic says so! The Bible says so! In fact, the Bible says you were knit together in your mother's womb and that God knew you before you were born (Psalms 139:13-14). Think hard before you have an abortion! Seek love and support during this difficult time!

Thanks to :


Eye speak volumes. They sometimes express more than words convey. No wonder it is often said that the eyes are the window of the soul.

Who has not blushed upon seeing a crush? Who has not cried after watching a heart-tugging movie? Who has not read a good book and felt truly blessed? Who has not gazed at the Olympic Nest and marveled at its architectural design?

Yes, of all the senses that make us aware of the world around, none gives more pleasure and opportunities to appreciate the beauty of God had created than our eyes. The splendid scenery, the twinkling stars, the dancing brooklet---the water, air, and sea pollution notwithstanding. Our eyes also alert us of danger---speeding cars, deep excavations, snatchers.

But many times we take our eyes for granted through unhealthy practices. We rub them. We do not eat vitamin A-rich foods. We expose them to the sun. We sleep late and wake up early.

Well, EYE CARE is better than EYE CURE. Since our eyes do their job the moment we open them, we really need to take good care of them. Here are some HEALTHY TIPS:

  • Remove make-ups before sleeping at night.
  • Clean eyes with water. It is the best cleansing agent. You may also use a clean cotton ball dipped in fresh milk.
  • Use your own clean face towel. Using another person's towel puts you at risk for eye infection like pink eye (infectious conjunctivitis)
  • Keep hands away from the eyes to avoid introducing infection. Instead, just blink your eyelids. Besides, blinking is good exercise.
  • Never rub your eyes. Just blink. That Blinking produces tears that will wash away the offending object.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Load up on fruits and vegetables. The more intense the color of the fruit and vegetable, the higher its vitamin A content.
  • Drink adequate amount of water.
  • Use umbrella or wide-brim hat when out in the sun.
  • Wear a visor or sunglasses for protection rays, strong winds, and small objects floating in the air.
  • Blink the eyes or yawn. These acts protect the eye from dryness.
  • While driving, direct your car's vent toward the floor to avoid the air-conditioning from drying your eyes.
  • When swimming, wear swimming goggles. They protect the eyes from chlorine in the pool or saltiness of the seawater.
  • When welding or doing carpentry jobs, wear goggles to protect the eyes from injury, dust, or eye hazards.
  • Choose a desk lamp instead of a bright fluorescent light when reading or doing close-up work.
  • To soothe your tired eyes, give them a five-minute rest every hour by looking up or gazing at some distance or greenery.
  • If you have diabetes or hypertension, take your medications regularly.
  • For relaxing effect, cup hands over closed eyes without applying pressure on the eyes.

Proper eye care is important in order for our eyes to function effeciently and enable us to enjoy life. Good eye health does not happen by chance.

Special thanks to: Evelyn Villaflor-Almocera


Peers influence your life, even if you don't realize it, just by spending time with you. You learn from them, and they learn from you. It's only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group.

Peers can have a positive influence on each other. Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in the solar system, or someone on the soccer team taught you a cool trick with the ball. You might admire a friend who is always a good sport and try to be more like him or her. Maybe you got others excited about your new favorite book, and now everyone's reading it. These are examples of how peers positively influence each other every day.

Sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways. For example, a few kids in school might try to get you to cut class with them, your soccer friend might try to convince you to be mean to another player and never pass her the ball, or a kid in the neighborhood might want you to shoplift with him.

Why Do People Give in to Peer Pressure?

Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids might make fun of them if they don't go along with the group. Others go along because they are curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that "everyone's doing it" can influence some kids to leave their better judgment, or their common sense, behind.

For more info.. Visit :

Why is BLOGGING important?

The heart and soul of blogging is the individual and/or the group of individuals opining on the fly and responding post-haste to one and all. ~ Michael Conniff

From the earthquakes in Missouri and California, to the recent landing of flight 1549 on the Hudson River, users of social networking sites and blogs are breaking the news even before the MSM. And they are doing it in an immediate, compelling, first-hand, and conversational way that traditional media outlets can’t due to inherent business and bureaucracy concerns. In fact, three of the top five sites on the web today are social networking sites. Why is social media and blogging dominating the web, and why is it important?

While the technology that supports blogging is new, the concept of blogging isn’t a novel one. The defining components of Web 2.0′s new media staples (blogs and social networking sites) are high interactivity with the content producer, as well as online community building. According to a 2006 study and article by media scholar Daniel Glover, the majority of bloggers and blog readers are the opinion leaders in their communities.

A study of politics and voting patterns in the early 60′s showed that opinion leaders have always shaped the flow of information and ideas in their communities through conversations at local pubs and community gathering places. The soapbox is just getting larger, and the reach is going further for these opinion leaders with the streamlining, ease and low cost of online self-publishing. Basically people are looking towards the internet and blogosphere to replace the local Elk’s Lodge to distill the news for them and to get insight from the people they trust. Though traditional media outlets are moving into the online space and attempting to build user generated content and social media tools into their business strategy, it is not natural for MSM to replicate or replace the “opinion leader” function that social media is playing. Social media and MSM play two very different roles and audience expectations are different for them both.

While many in traditional media criticize the lack of “gatekeeping” on blogs and other user generated content sites (wikipedia for example) this is the precise advantage that these sites have and why they are growing. People are developing a personal connection with news, events and political processes by finding content and personalities online that align with their values and beliefs. These personal connections are the reason that social media is so important and relevant, and why it will always be different from traditional media. As people become more engaged with the world through social media they are becoming more active and aware offline, reversing the “narcotizing” effect of the American public that media scholars discovered as a result of mass communications and information bombardment.

Blogging and new media will continue to grow in importance and prestige because it gives people a larger marketplace of ideas to shop from, a larger platform to affect change in the world and because it is so important in promoting engagement and thoughtfulness.


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