"I really regret having an abortion because I wanted my baby. It would have been hard because I am so young, but I would do anything I could to take care of my baby. It hurts me that I killed my first child. I love kids and it will never happen again. I hate to see baby things and pregnant people because it brings back memories of April 14, 2007; and I will never forget it".
To my baby: "I love you and I am very sorry you did not get to live your life because your momma did a terrible thing".
Teen abortion is a decision that will impact your life dramatically, whether you decide to abort or decide to give birth. People you know will choose to support your decision or condemn your decision, but this is your decision and you will live with the choice you make for the rest of your life. Once an abortion has been done it can't be undone. The infant is dead. So take the time to think and know what you are doing to your body and to the life inside your body. If you decide to carry the child and bring a child into this world you will endure some criticism, inconvenience and the greatest joy God has given us here on earth.
Teen abortion has many risks. Studies have proven that abortion may lead to an increased chance of breast cancer, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, depression, and the contraction of Viral Hepatitis, not to mention death due to excessive bleeding or other complications. Whether you choose to keep your baby, put it up for adoption or have an abortion, hormones run crazy when you are pregnant. Hormones are to blame for the drastic mood swings pregnant women have during pregnancy. As you feel the life inside you start to grow, you will become attached to, or perhaps even angry at, this new life. This life is exactly that - he or she is alive and it is a part of you!
Teen abortion kills an innocent life. You exist because your mother chose to give birth to you. Will you do the same for your child? Is an unborn child alive? Microbiology says so! Logic says so! The Bible says so! In fact, the Bible says you were knit together in your mother's womb and that God knew you before you were born (Psalms 139:13-14). Think hard before you have an abortion! Seek love and support during this difficult time!
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