Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Do you ever wonder why you're not getting As, A+s, 1.0s, 99s, or 100s in your report cards/grade slips? Despite burning your midnight candle and eyebrows, you still don't get the grades you've been aiming for. What's the matter?

Getting ahead in school is not just excelling mentally but socially, physically, and spiritually as well. Achieving high grades will be as easy as memorizing your ABC when you live a balanced life.

Attend classes regularly. Avoid making unnecessary absences.
Begin your day with God. Pray and read the Bible for your spiritual and intellectual growth.
Come to classes early. This will give you time to review your notes or do advance reading.
Divide long-term assignments/projects into small tasks that you can work on daily basis.
Engage in profitable or intellectually enhancing hobbies. Join sports activities, enjoy the beauty of God's creation, keep a diary, do one random act of kindness each day.
Focus on what you are doing at the moment for maximum efficiency.
Go out and make friends. Make amends with your enemies. Doing so does not only add colors to your life, they also complete the circle of life.
Help a classmate who is lagging behind. You'll master your lessons in the process.
Invite the Lord to be your Guide, Partner, and Friend and you'll always be on the right track.
Jot down notes. They come in handy during reviews.
Keep track of time. Wasted time equals lost opportunities.
Laugh often, love life, and live one day at a time.
Make a daily schedule. List the things that you need to do for the day to avoid forgetting them.
Never ever skip breakfast. Doing so is one of the biggest brain-damaging habits.
Offer your heart, soul, and mind to your Creator and King.
Participate in discussions. You'll learn more if you interact more.
Quit minding other people's business. You have no idea what they are really going through.
Research. Don't just settle with the things that you learn inside the classroom.
Stay fit. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. A healthy body is a must to a healthy mind.
Take time alone to reflect and count your blessings.
Use your talent, knowledge, and skills for the glory of God.
Vent your feelings and opinions only after spending careful thought about them.
Wait, if you can, until you graduate in college before having a sweetheart.
Xerox or photocopy materials that you missed and study them.
Yearn to learn something new each day.
Zoom in on worthwhile opportunities that come your way. A missed opportunity is lost forever.

- Kathleen F. Bienes (2007 BSE summa cum laude graduate)


CREATION Health is an exciting plan for changing your life. Rightly applied, you will achieve mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. You'll look younger and feel stronger. Each letter of the word CREATION stands for one of the eight principles drawn from the Bible.

Choice. Choice is your power and right to decide. It's the realization that you have more than one option. To choose is to know that your future is greater than your past; it's an attitude that considers that the best is yet to be.

Rest. Rest is the refreshing ease of inactivity following a full day's work; it's the mental and emotional release from the daily worries and concerns. Life-giving rest is found in the soothing calm and quiet of a good night's sleep and in the tranquility of spiritual peace.

Environment. Whether it's the majestic backdrop of mountains, beach sand squishing between your toes, or the heady fragrance of candles around your bathtub, environment sets the stage for the healing of the human soul.

Activity. Activity is the gift of moment. It includes regular exercise and play. The best kind of physical activity (such as a walk in the park with friends) also enhances the mind, the spirit, and relationships. Activity should be enjoyable and an integral part of your lifelong health.

Trust. Trust in God brings the confidence that you rest secure; it's the peace of knowing that you don't have to be in control. Trusting in God allows you to keep your bearing as you navigate through the uncertainties of the world with assurance that your life has eternal purpose.

Intimacy. We want it, and we need it. Intimacy is found in those moments when one allows an aspect of true self to be shared, when we open ourselves up to the power of one heart touching another.

Outlook. Outlook is how you see the world. It's the colors on the palette with which you paint your life. A healthy outlook belongs to those who choose to open their minds to learn, stretch, and grow

Nutrition. Providing what our bodies need for fuel and pleasure, nutrition is the highest form of art and science converging. No other species on the planet has been given such vast variety and choice for sustenance.

Thanks to: Monica Reed
Read more.. Health&Home Jan-Feb 2008 pp.24-27

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Rest is an important part of life's rhythm. Most adults do best with seven to eight hours of sleep each night. If you have trouble sleeping, don't reach for sleep medications. Take a warm, relaxing bath. Exercise daily. Maintain a regular schedule. Strive for a clear conscience and tranquil mind.


Many people occasionally have trouble falling asleep. Three common reasons for this are emotional stress, caffeine, and lack of exercise. Fortunately, all of these can be controlled.

Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, and many soft drinks, can be reduced or eliminated from the diet.

Emotional stress can also be reduced by handling disturbing problems earlier in the day, when you are rested. Don't wait till bedtime to bring up problems.

A regular exercise program may be the best medicine of all for ensuring a good night's rest. It reduces stress and provides a pleasant physical fatigue that helps you sleep more soundly.


  • Take frequent breaks during the workdays. Walk around, get a drink of water, take some deep breaths.
  • Daily engage in 30 to 60 minutes of active exercise. Exercise relaxes, restores energy, helps banish depression, and combats nervous tension.
  • Maintain as regular a schedule as possible for going to bed, getting up, eating, and exercising. The body flourishes on regular rhythms.
  • Eat the evening meal at least four hours before bedtime. Am empty, resting stomach is more conductive to quality rest.
  • Try a lukewarm (not a hot) bath. It is helpful relaxation technique.
  • Count your blessings. Fill the mind with gratitude and thanksgiving.
  • A clear conscience and a grateful mind are the pillows to sleep on.

A big thanks to Aileen Ludington and Hans Diehl.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Our health, happiness, and longevity, as well as our relationships with the family, friends, and associates, and our spiritual life-are interrelated and interdependent. Improving our health, pursuing worthwhile goals, developing positive mental attitudes, and nurturing spiritual values can help us deal more effectively with our feelings of depression and hopelessness.


One of the things that sets us apart from the other creatures is our ability to make choices. We can think about our actions, and we can choose between alternatives.


We are social creatures, and most of us do best when we experience a sense of community and belonging that comes from our relationship to others. When we feel isolated or in conflict, it is much easier to slip into depression.


Through the ages millions have found comfort in time of need by turning to a Higher Power for strength and wisdom. Stories of people overcoming problems that seemed unsolvable are abundant.

It is easy for the hustle and bustle of life to crowd out time for spiritual nourishment. Yet those who have endured trying times can vouch for these values. Is your spiritual life the source of inspiration, strength, and renewal that it could be?

Thanks to Aileen Ludington and Hans Diehl: coauthors of Health Power

Monday, November 15, 2010


Big and small unicycles, large metal tubes, high pyramid formations, hot ring of fire, amazing tumblings, breathtaking performance, funny and jolly clowns, thin ropes and various bricks --- these are just some of the things I've witnessed in the ACROBAT SHOW here in La Libertad.

The Convention Center was full of crowded people; ready to witness a breathtaking event even though the tickets were P30 and P20 each depending on the age. The benches inside were not still enough for the audience. The show started when the auditorium was full enough of La Libertadnons. It began with a short prayer leaded by the Manager of the said show and the singing of the National Anthem followed.

On the first part of the show, the performers showed their various pyramid formations. Even if you're only on your seat, you could actually feel how dangerous and how high the formations were. The eyes of the audience were hooked with the different performance they've seen.

The following performance was a little bit dangerous than that on the first. Performers were riding on their unicycles on the metal tubes and even on the thin ropes. They even settle on a board above a rolling cylinder with another person on their shoulders. As I was watching the performance, I could say that it was a very difficult thing to do and needs extra measures and carefulness.

I could see in the eyes of the performers that they were doing all they could do just to entertain people watching their show. Every peso is worth for the performance. With just a twenty peso bill, you could lively witness an event that is only seen in TV's.

At this point of time, the ACROBAT performers are traveling to different places not just here in our province but also in every corner of our country; making every people smile. They wanted to share their uncommon talents to Filipino people. Even though they too undergo mistakes in their performance but still, they are striving hard to perform nicely in the eyes of the people.

Overall, it was indeed a memorable and a breathtaking performance! More power to the performers!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Do People Become Overweight?

Obesity tends to run in families. Some people have a genetic tendency to gain weight more easily than others because they burn calories more slowly. During times when food was scarce, this was a real advantage. But now that food is available 24/7 in most industrialized countries, an efficient metabolism that once ensured our survival now works to our disadvantage.

Although genes strongly influence body type and size, the environment also plays a role. People today may be gaining weight because of unhealthy food choices (like fast food) and family habits (like eating in front of the television instead of around a table). High-calorie, low-nutrient snacks and beverages, bigger portions of food, and less-active lifestyles are all contributing to the obesity epidemic.

Sometimes people turn to food for emotional reasons, such as when they feel upset, anxious, sad, stressed out, or even bored. When this happens, they often eat more than they need.

For more info visit:


Women exposed to light during the night have higher risk of cancer. Studies by Scott Davis of the Hutchinson Cancer Research and colleagues, and Eva S. Schernhammer of Harvard Medical School also found out that light exposure may be caused by working the night shift, having insomnia, or being exposed to light in the bedroom during sleep.

According to Johnni Hansen of the Danish Cancer Society, one possible explanation for the relationship of light exposure and cancer has to do with melatonin production. Melatonin is produced by the brain's pineal gland. Because it is released into the bloodstream at night, the hormone is thought to play a role in regulating sleep.

Hansen notes that when normal melatonin cycles are interrupted in women, the production of estrogen from the ovaries is higher and this may contribute to their breast cancer risk.

Thanks to : Health & Home March-April 2002 (NEWSLINES)


This poem was made last October 5, 2010 and this was a tribute to my mom, who happens to be one of the faculty members in our school, presently called, La Libertad Technical-Vocational School. I hugged her tightly as I gave this framed poem to her on our "Teacher's Day Program". I just want to share it with all of you. :)

Teacher…. What a very common word

To each of us in this whole wide world,

But a teacher is considered a superhero

For she is there in times of sorrow.

A teacher is a special gift from God

Faithful, loving, patient and glad,

Making things that will not make us mad

Comforts us every time we are sad.

Whenever you’re in a problematic situation

A teacher will always find the best solution,

She will always be at your side

And in her you can surely abide.

A teacher is our second parent

Understanding and forever patient

Jolly, funny and sometimes cool

The number one hero of a school.

A teacher’s worth is so unexplainable

Could not be similarly described by people,

A teacher is willing to sacrifice her own

And is always working hard to the bone.

In this Special Day

I just want to say,

You’re just one of a kind

And you’ll be in my heart and mind.

How could I ever say thanks?

To a teacher, hero and a mother like you

Who had greatly made a big difference in my life.

I know that words are not still enough

To express my biggest “THANKS” to you

But I do hope that you’re proud of me

And I will walk in the right path where you want me to be…

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