Big and small unicycles, large metal tubes, high pyramid formations, hot ring of fire, amazing tumblings, breathtaking performance, funny and jolly clowns, thin ropes and various bricks --- these are just some of the things I've witnessed in the ACROBAT SHOW here in La Libertad.
The Convention Center was full of crowded people; ready to witness a breathtaking event even though the tickets were P30 and P20 each depending on the age. The benches inside were not still enough for the audience. The show started when the auditorium was full enough of La Libertadnons. It began with a short prayer leaded by the Manager of the said show and the singing of the National Anthem followed.

On the first part of the show, the performers showed their various pyramid formations. Even if you're only on your seat, you could actually feel how dangerous and how high the formations were. The eyes of the audience were hooked with the different performance they've seen.
The following performance was a little bit dangerous than that on the first. Performers were riding on their unicycles on the metal tubes and even on the thin ropes. They even settle on a board above a rolling cylinder with another person on their shoulders. As I was watching the performance, I could say that it was a very difficult thing to do and needs extra measures and carefulness.
I could see in the eyes of the performers that they were doing all they could do just to entertain people watching their show. Every peso is worth for the performance. With just a twenty peso bill, you could lively witness an event that is only seen in TV's.
At this point of time, the ACROBAT performers are traveling to different places not just here in our province but also in every corner of our country; making every people smile. They wanted to share their uncommon talents to Filipino people. Even though they too undergo mistakes in their performance but still, they are striving hard to perform nicely in the eyes of the people.
Overall, it was indeed a memorable and a breathtaking performance! More power to the performers!!!
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