Your car is one of your big investments, so in order to maintain its reliability, preserve its drivability, and protect its resale value, you need to be car care aware. Take the following dos and don'ts from the senior service adviser of Honda Cars-Shaw, Abelardo "Dong" Vicente.
- Bring car to service center or talyer at least every six months, for periodic maintenance to avoid engine breakdown.
- Keep tires properly inflated to provide you the best combination of handling, treading life, and riding comfort. Visually check all tires every day. If a tire seems under inflated, verify it with a tire gauge. Even tires in good condition may lose air due to leakage. Make sure your spare tire is in good condition, too.
- Check battery condition every month, including proper electrolyte level and corrosion on battery terminals. Start the engine for at least 10 minutes to warm it up before the drive.
- Don't open hood to strangers especially if your car has a breakdown on the road.
- Don't use hard water like salt water on tap water to top up radiator coolant or to wash car with. It corrodes inside engines and car body.
- Don't use activities on engine oil, fuel, power steering fluid, and automatic transmission fluid unless approved by the car's manufacturer.
How to determine your car's condition through smoke emission
If the color of exhaust gas is:
Bluish - the engine oil mixing within the combustion chamber
White - the water or coolant is mixing within the combustion camber; the engine will overheat
Black - excessive fuel is not burned properly inside the combustion chamber; will make engine fuel consumption high
Colorless - the engine is performing the best optimum combustion
-- Melinda H. Tormes (coordinator for market research and advertising)
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